Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Be Loved Unconditionally

To have a sister is to find the greatest happiness in touching her soft, miniature fingers and toes; to carry her for the first time with your clumsy hands; to realize that your want to hold her for longer conquers the fear of dropping her; to feel the joy of being acknowledged for the first time when you clap your hands in front of her big, wide, curious eyes; to smile as she gives a big toothless grin when fed the first piece of chocolate; to want to hear her call you for the first time; to have fun even while brushing her barbie’s hair; to fight and not talk; to cry and then laugh; to get irritated when she wants the exact same things and then to feel proud that she wants the exact same things; to save our chocolates for each other; to not enjoy a burger when eaten alone; to act unaffected by the thought of putting on weight and going running together; to paint cards and tie ribbons on them; to play uno and then master mind and then holiday and then…. the whole night; to make puzzles and remember old times; to eat twix ice cream and watch a movie at 12am on New Years’ under the quilt; to find the patience to teach her; to wait months to see her; to wait for the clock to strike 9 to talk to her; to flaunt money on her and not care; to fulfill every request on her wish list; to love opening all the cards she had made for you over the years; to be interested in everything she is into; to dress her up like the princess she deserves to be; to make sandwiches together on days she wants to; to be proud of what she has accomplished; to be blessed to have someone as special to love you unconditionally!

1 comment:

laddu said...

this one is truly your best post....:):)